Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Beer & Spice Glazed Primo Ham


1 Primo leg of ham
250 ml amber ale
¼ cup whole cloves
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cardamom
1 cinnamon quill
1 tbsp seeded mustard


Prepare leg ham by cutting through the skin around the shank in a nice pattern. Using your fingers, carefully peel the skin back from the ham, gently pushing the skin away from the fat. This method ensures that you do not cut away too much fat, which is necessary to keep and the ham moist, but also for flavour. Score the ham fat in a diamond pattern with a small knife. Take care not to cut right through to the flesh. Stud the intersections of the diamonds with cloves. Place the beer, spices, sugar and ½ cup water in a saucepan. Stir over low heat to dissolve the sugar, then increase heat and simmer until syrupy. Stir through the mustard. Brush this mixture all over the ham. Preheat oven to 190°C. Bake the ham in the oven for about 30-50 minutes, brushing often with the glaze until the outside of the ham has turned a beautiful burnished golden colour. When the ham is heated all the way through and the glaze is cooked to your liking, remove from the oven and slice to serve.


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