Friday, May 31, 2013

Spicy Cardamom Preserved Lemons

This is a great recipe I found on the Quirky Urbanite blog, you should try it sometime, it will definitely surprise you:

I am a sucker for cardamom. I know that's what tempted me to try a preserved lemon recipe again.
What are preserved lemons? They're just lemons quartered and packed with salt and a mix of spices, commonly used in Moroccan and Indian cuisines. The pickling softens the skin, which you slice up and add to tagines or bean dishes, after scooping out and discarding the fruit.  

I was really excited about preserved lemons a few years ago - they're easy, beautiful and seemed like such a great way to use the lemon bonanza that comes my way this time of year. I made way too many. The problem was using them. 

I tried to adapt my cooking to incorporate them, but they're such a strong taste that I found I had to structure a whole meal around them, which got a little old. Beautiful jars of preserved lemons languished on my shelf for months, years. I bet there's still some up there.

Read the entire recipe Here

Bollos suecos de canela - A Los Fogones

En un post del blog de Ibán Yarza vi que había preparado unos bollos suecos y como me llamaron poderosamente la atención me puse a buscar como se hacían. Hace unos días los hice por primera vez y salieron bien ricos, algunos de mis compañeros de trabajo lo podrían atestiguar, pero la verdad es que me dio la sensación de que aún le faltaba algo de trabajo, que había cometido varios fallos. Y la verdad es que prefiero no llegar a las dos recetas por semana que tener que presentar una receta. Y creo que ha merecido la pena porque los si los primeros estaban buenos en el segundo intento quedaron fenomenales, con el sello de aprobación de mi hermano, cuya valoración para postres es siempre muy estricta :). Además me dio la oportunidad de trabajar con la masa con más tranquilidad, verla crecer ... yo diría que es algo incluso bueno para el stress.


- ½ litro de leche
- 1 kg de harina
- Levadura de panadería
- 200 gr de mantequilla
- 250 gr de azúcar
- Cardamomo (una cucharada)
- Canela molida (2 cucharadas)
- 1 huevo

Comenzaremos poniendo a calentar medio litro de leche en el que añadiremos 100 gramos de mantequilla y tendremos al fuego hasta que la mantequilla se disuelva. Esperaremos a que la leche esté tibia para comenzar a hacer la masa, para ello verteremos la leche tibia en un bol y a continuación añadimos 1 kg de harina, un sobre de levadura de panadería (o levadura prensada disuelta en un poco de agua), 150 gramos de azúcar, una cucharada de cardamomo molido (si lo encontráis, si no tampoco es esencial aunque le da un toque toque muy interesante) y finalmente una pizca de sal. La sal ponerla lejos de donde hayáis puesto la levadura. Con una cuchara moverlo bien y después utilizar vuestras manos para acabar de mezclarlo.

Ahora tocará amasarlo en una mesa (por supuesto que esté bien limpia), es cuestión de estirarla, doblarla sobre sí misma, volver a estirarla en otra dirección, doblarla sobre sí misma ... es un proceso que hay que hacer sin prisas sin pausa, quizá os lleve unos 7 u 8 minutos, hasta el momento en que deje de estar pegajosa y quede lista, entonces la iremos amasando para que tenga forma de bola, la dejaremos de nuevo dentro del bol, la tapamos y la dejamos reposar durante una hora y media o dos (incluso más tiempo) para que leve y así aumente su tamaño.

Pasado el tiempo para levar prepararemos el relleno. Para ello tendremos 100 gramos de mantequilla fundida, 100 gramos de azúcar y dos cucharadas de canela que removeremos bien.

Sobre la superficie de trabajo espolvorearemos un poco de harina y primero aplastaremos la masa con las manos y después con un rodillo procurando que nos quede una forma rectangular, para ello al final doblé un poco de masa y continué pasando el rodillo. Una vez la tenemos extendida verteremos encima el relleno y con un cuchillo, paleta o lo que dispongamos distribuimos bien sobre toda la superficie. Lo enrollamos como si fuese un brazo de gitano y cortamos en trozos de 2-3 dedos de grosor. De nuevo lo dejaremos reposar sobre una hora u hora y media para que de nuevo leve.

Pasado ese tiempo los colocamos sobre la bandeja de horno, dejando espacio entre ellos que en el horno aún crecerán. Los pintamos con huevo batido y por encima ponemos un poco de azúcar o como en mi caso coco rallado, incluso quizá se le podría poner un poco de miel. Los llevaremos al horno a 220ºC (y a ser posible con ventilador) durante unos 6 minutos, quizá si no tenéis ventilador necesitaréis algo más de tiempo, en todo caso observar los bollos y cuando estén dorados ya estarán listos.

Para esta receta es muy importante que al principio la leche esté tibia (la levadura trabaja mejor a esas temperaturas), trabajar bien la masa, y dejar los tiempo de levado para que la levadura haga su trabajo. Es una receta que lleva tiempo de hacer, pero el resultado es realmente riquísimo, y partircularmente a mí me encanta ver como la levadura hace su trabajo :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chef Ryan Clift Prepares Hot Heirloom Carrot Salad

Tippling Club owner/chef Ryan Clift prepares Hot Heirloom Carrot Salad, with Cardamom, Curry & Carrot Puree, using the 'combustion' cooking method.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lamb Curry Burrito

This is a very spice burrtio. DESI STYLE
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Eat -- Lamb Curry Burrito Palty

- 2 Avocados
- 1 clove Garlic
- 1 tbsp Jalapenos, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp. chopped Onion
- Half a tomato, fleshed
- 1 tsp Black Pepper
- Juice from 1 Lime
- 1 tbsp Olive Oil

Yes peeps we at it again! So to make the sexiest guacamole, it is important that you cut the avocado last. Once the flesh comes in contact with air it oxidizes and changes the colour to ugly shit, like apples get :p. Combine the garlic and jalapenos (remove the seeds for mild heat). Lastly chop and deseed the flesh of half a tomato. Now that most of the rough work is done, take a separate bowl and cut the avocado in half, length-wise. There is a pit in the middle so cut around it. (See video) Remove the pit and score the flesh and use a spoon to scoop it into a bowl. Add the salt, lime juice, and olive oil. Use a fork to break the flesh down further and to help ingredients to combine. (You can blend for smoother consistency.) Take garlic, tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos and add to the bowl. Mix together and now you got some GUUACC.

Mint Cucumber Sour cream.
- 375mL Sour cream
- ¼ cup Cucumber
- ½ tsp Honey
- 1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
- ¼ tsp Black pepper
- 14 leaves of Mint

Take the sour cream and add it to a bowl. Take the cumin seeds and roast in a pan for a short while to release oils and add smokiness. They will turn a darker shade of brown. Add them to the bowl. Finely chop the mint and grate the cucumber, add to bowl and mix. Add the honey and black pepper and mix. This is ready to go.

Refried Beans
- 1 can of refried beans
- 100 ml Vegetable stock chicken stock
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 teaspoon of jalapenos
- 1 tbsp. of olive oil

So for simplicity sake this time we are using canned refried beans. Place a frying pan over medium heat and add your olive oil, garlic, and jalapenos. Lightly sauté and add the beans to the pan. Also add water or vegetable or chicken stock. (Jasdeep says: Add 2 tablespoons of salsa to the refried beans for extra taste!)

Basmati Rice
- 1 cup Basmati Rice
- ¼ cup Peas
- ¼ tsp Salt
- 1 tbsp Oil
- 30 ml of chopped onions
- 2 cups of Vegetable or Chicken Stock

Take a small pot and add oil. Add in chopped onions and peas and sauté lightly. The general rule of thumb for rice is 2 parts liquid to 1 part rice. Add in your stock and bring to a boil. Add in your rice and stir together. Turn of the heat and cover the pot. The rice will Steam and absorb the liquid. Once the liquid is absorbed the rice should not be hard and should be easily broken between your fingers.

- 2 lb Lamb meat, cut 1 cm cubes
- 1 tbsp Desi ghee
- 3 tbsp Canola oil
- 1 large Onion, finely chopped
- 2 Tomatoes, blended
- 1 L of Stock or Beer
- 2 tbsp Garlic, finely chopped
- 2 tsp Ginger, finely chopped
- 2 Green chili, halved
- 4 cardamom pods
- 4 cloves
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 Small Cinnamon stick
- 1 ½ tbsp. Salt
- 2 tbsp Cumin powder
- ½ tbsp. Coriander powder
- ½ tbsp. Turmeric
- Meat masala
- 2 tbsp Paprika
- Cilantro to taste

Heat up a large pot and put it on at medium heat. Take your Desi ghee and canola oil and put in the pot. Take the cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and leaves and add to the oil and butter mixture. Sauté so the ingredients can release their flavors into the oil and butter. Remove these ingredients from the oil and ghee after 3 to 5 minutes. Add your ginger, garlic, and onion and sauté until golden brown. Add the tomatoes, green chili, paprika, turmeric, cumin powder, coriander powder and salt to the pot. Sauté until a paste consistency is formed. Now add your lamb, and meat masala to add depth of flavor. Let it cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, for another 10 minutes or until tender. Remove from heat and add cilantro leaves.
Burrito Assembly

- Wrap
- Rice
- Refried beans
- Prepared Lamb meat
- Guacamole
- Cumin and Cucumber Sour Cream
- Tomatoes, diced
- Scallions
- Lettuce, shredded
- Red and green bell peppers, diced
- Mozzarella and cheddar mix

Lightly warm and layout the burrito wraps. Place some refried beans, rice and cheese as a rectangular shape strip in the Centre of the wrap. Add the veggies of your liking and the sour cream. Lastly add your lamb meat and wrap it up! Wrapping can be a little tricky so please watch the video. Be careful not to overload the burrito this may cause the wrap to tear or fall apart.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cardamom futures to witness some more selling

    MoM Team / Mumbai, May 24, 09:38 AM

    Stockiest selling might resume in cardamom futures in today's trading on the account of strong arrivals in major mandies along with weak demand by exporters.

    The MCX futures pared more than 1 per cent in the last trading.
    As per the market data, most of the auction centres in Kochi have reported the gain of over 17000 kgs in the last week to reach 86500 kgs.

    This was mainly due to timely rainfall in some parts of the Kerala.

    Moreover, traders also estimated the fresh arrivals of cardamom will start from the first week of June.

    Click Here for the latest price of Cardamom.
    Traders also revealed that timely monsoon rainfall in the current year in the major cardamom growing areas along with rise in the acreage is likely to increase the overall cardamom production in the current year.

    This has might also add some negative sentiments in the cardamom market.
    The MCX June Cardamom futures pared Rs 10.3 per kg in the last trading to close at Rs 733 per kg.

    The MCX contract added 8 per cent in open interest indicating short position by traders.

    Technically, selling is likely to emerge from 748-755 levels while supports are likely at 715-718 levels in the near term.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cashew Chicken/Kaju Chicken

Check my blog here:

Cashew Chicken - another very popular chicken recipe which is great combination as side dish with white rice, rice pilaf, roti, naan, paratha etc. Chicken with cashew is prepared in all over the world in various different ways. Here I am presenting you one of the Indian style "Cashew Chicken" with thick gravy. Here below is the detail of the recipe:

Cooking Time:
25 minutes

Ingredients (Serves 2 persons):
1/2 lbs chicken (with bones) cut into small pieces
1 medium size onion shredded
1 medium size tomato cut into small cubes
3 - 4 table spoon cashew paste
2 table spoon yogurt
3 table spoon cooking oil
2 tea spoon ginger garlic paste
2 green chili chopped
1 tea spoon chili powder
1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder
1 table spoon cumin powder
Whole garam masala (2 cardamom, 1 cinnamon stick and 2 cloves)
Salt to taste

1. Pour cooking oil on a pan and let it heat up a little bit.
2. Add whole garam masala; cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. These whole masalas will add nice flavor with the gravy.
3. Then add shredded onion. Mix onion with the oil.
4. Now add ginger garlic paste and mix it nicely with onion and oil. Let onion and ginger garlic paste cook for 1 -- 2 minutes.
5. When onions are light brown color, it is time to add other ingredients. Add tomato cubes with it.
6. Add salt with tomato. Adding salt with tomato will help soften tomato quickly and it will be easy to smash with spatula to make nice gravy.
7. So mix all these ingredients together and keep pressing tomatoes with spatula. Then leave it for approximately a minute to soften tomatoes.
8. Add other masalas like chopped chili, turmeric powder, cumin powder, chili powder.
9. Now again mix everything together. Tomato will be soft by now, so it will mix up easily with other spices. Leave it for another minute.
10. After a minute, nice gravy will be ready. Add yogurt and cashew paste. Stir it well with the gravy.
11. Then add a little water and chicken pieces. Chicken will be cooked with this gravy, so mix all these together and let it boil for approximately 10 minutes.
12. Check it periodically and stir a little bit as it may burn at bottom.
13. After some time the gravy will be thicker, check if the chicken is cooked properly. If the chicken is soft, then cashew chicken is ready.

Try this and let me know if you like it. Please rate and comment on my video; also subscribe to my channel for more recipes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to make Khajoor Katri or Date Nut Roll

For details of this recipe and many more go to:

8 oz. pitted dates
3 tbsps. butter
1/2 can (1/2 cup) condensed milk
1/2 tsp. cardamom powder
1 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup pistachios
1/2 cup sliced almonds, roasted
1/2 cup slivered almonds, roasted
1/2 cup shelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas), roasted
1/2 cup raisins
4-5 tbsps. coconut powder

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cardamom down over 1% on profit-booking

Press Trust of India/New Delhi 17 May 13 | 02:49 PM

Amid profit-booking by speculators at prevailing levels, cardamom prices fell by 1.63% to Rs 720 per kg in futures trade today.

Besides, subdued demand against adequate stocks position in the physical market also put pressure on the cardamom prices.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), the June contract declined by Rs 12, or 1.63%, to Rs 720 per kg in 776 lots.

The July contract shed Rs 4.90, or 0.64%, to Rs 754.30 per kg in 79 lots.

Market analysts said profit-booking by speculators at existing levels amid subdued demand in the spot markets, mainly kept pressure on the cardamom prices at futures trade.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lamb Rogan Josh with chef Atul Kochhar

Michelin-starred chef Atul Kochhar shows you how to make a lamb rogan josh curry in this step-by-step video.

TIP: Onions are key to a good Rogan Josh, cook them until they're deep brown for a rich, dark sauce

Serves 4
Prep in 20 mins
Cook in 30 mins
Marinate for 2 hrs
Freeze it

150g natural yogurt
pinch saffron
50g ginger-garlic paste (see separate recipe)
1kg boneless lamb leg, cut into cubes
1½ tsp cumin seeds
8 cardamom pods
2½cm cinnamon stick
8 cloves
1 star anise
100ml olive oil
2 large onions, peeled and thinly sliced
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp black pepper
1 heaped tbsp red chilli powder
1½ tbsp ground coriander
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp ground turmeric
4 tbsp tomato purée
1 bunch fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped
3cm piece fresh ginger, peeled and julienned

1 Whisk together the yogurt, saffron and ginger-garlic paste. Season with salt then pour over the lamb. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 2 hours. Bring the lamb to room temperature before cooking.
2 Pound the whole spices with a pestle and mortar to release the oils. Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan then add the pounded spices and stir until the spices crackle.
3 Add the onions immediately after the spices crackle to stop them from burning. Stir and cook until the onions are golden brown.
4 Add the lamb with the marinade to the pan and cook until the meat is browned but not cooked through. It might stick to the pan but don't worry. Keep stirring and scraping the pan to develop the flavours. You can add a splash of water or lamb stock if the mixture becomes too dry.
5 Add all the powdered spices and cook for 5 minutes.
6 Add the tomato purée and stir until the lamb is cooked through. Serve garnished with coriander and thin shreds of ginger.

GDAS: Per serving: calories 620 (31%), sugar 9g (10%), fat 40g (57%), saturates 12g (60%), salt 0.6g (10%) of your guideline daily amount

Friday, May 10, 2013

Indian 101: Mango Lassi

Tangy and delicious, you'll love our Cinema & Spice take on the classic Mango Lassi. Perfect for a snack on a hot day, or for dessert after a scrumptious Indian meal! 

Click Here for the full recipe

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Carrot cake with cardamom, currants and ginger-crème fraiche Chantilly

A couple of years ago, my nieces (aged 8 and 11 at the time) asked me to make a carrot cake—with no walnuts or cinnamon—for a birthday party. One of their friends was allergic to both ingredients, but they really wanted a carrot cake for this occasion.

So I got to work and decided to turn to one of my favorite spices, cardamom, to give this carrot cake some spunk. The exotic spice ended up pairing magnificently with the carrots! As for the walnuts, I replaced them with juicy, plump currants that contribute a bit of sweetness to the cake.

But that's not all! Instead of choosing a bland vegetable oil, I decided to use olive oil. The results were splendid! The olive oil not only makes the cake incredibly moist, but it adds a wonderful delicate flavor to it. As a last touch, the cake is decorated with a featherweight Chantilly spiked with fresh ginger juice and crème fraîche. Need I say more?!

This carrot cake met the approval of all the children at the birthday party that day... I even heard that not a crumb was left.

For many more recipes (and hands-on videos), check out, Viviane's new interactive, multimedia cookbook you can make your own. Get exclusive new recipes weekly, add your own recipes, peruse wine notes—even chat directly with Viviane. It's a cooking class built into every recipe! Free 30-day trial. No credit card required

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cardamom futures extend losses 2.43% as demand declines

NEW DELHI: Cardamom futures prices fell by 2.43 per cent to Rs 757.80 per kg on Friday, as speculators reduced their positions, driven by a weak trend at spot market.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange, cardamom for delivery in May declined by Rs 18.90, or 2.43 per cent, to Rs 757.80 per kg in business turnover of 964 lots.

Similarly, the spice for delivery in June traded lower by Rs 17.80, or 2.24 per cent, to Rs 775 per kg in 438 lots.

Market analysts said traders reduced their positions on the back of weak trend at spot market on subdued demand mainly helped cardamom futures to trade lower.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spicy Mutton Curry - Indian/Sri Lankan Way to Cook Mutton Curry

How To Cook Spicy Mutton Curry, Mutton/Goat Curry,

- 2 TSP Olive Oil
- Kilo and a half of Mutton - Small/Diced Cut
- 1/2 TBS Cloves
- 1/2 TBS of Cardamom
- 1 1/2 TBS Garam Masala
- 1 Whole Red Onion Diced/cut
- 5-6 Green Chilli Peppers
- Half a Lime
- 3 Tablespoons of Indian/Sri Lankan Curry Powder/Spice

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Indian Keema paratha

Chicken Keema Paratha -- Indian Bread stuffed with minced chicken


Prep time
45 mins

Cook time
40 mins

Total time
1 hour 25 mins

Author: Maria
Recipe type: non veg, meals, side starter
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 6 to 7 people

Ingredients 2 cups shahi chicken keema 1 cup whole wheat flour ½ cup water 1 t/s salt 1 tbsp oil + 3 tbsp clarified butter (ghee) Or oil 2 tbsp water

Instructions Prepare chicken keema in advance and keep aside. Combine all the ingredients for dough except oil. Knead into a smooth and soft dough. Lastly add oil for binding the dough. Cover with a damp cloth. Allow to rest for 10 mins. Shape into marble sized balls. Roll into 3 inch diameter Or oval shape. Take one rolled bread. Brush some water over the edges of the roti (flat bread). Spread some keema over the roti leaving the edges. Place another roti (flat bread) over the roti. Now press the edges on all sides. Take a frying pan place on high heat. Place the stuffed roti over the hot pan. Spread some clarified butter over the sides. Fry until golden specks are visible. Serve hot with sauce Or mint chutney. Repeat the same with the rest of dough.


Ingredients 500 gms minced chicken (keema) 3 tbsp ghee (clarified butter) Or oil 1 onion chopped 1.5 inch ginger 12 to 13 garlic cloves 10 to 12 mint leaves ½ cup coriander leaves 1 cinnamon stick 4 to 5 green cardamoms 10 black pepper 1 mace (javitri) 1 tbsp fennel seed 1 tbsp cumin seed 1 tbsp caraway seed (shahi jeera) 1 tbsp garam masala 1 tbsp chicken biryani masala powder 4 to 5 dry red kashmiri chilies 5 cloves 1 tbsp coriander seed (dhaniya) 1 tbsp poppy seed (khuskhus) 1 tbsp white sesame seed (safed til) 1 tbsp melon seed 1 t/s turmeric powder 10 to 12 almonds 20 cashewnuts 1 glass boiling hot water ½ cup milk (optional) 2 boiled eggs (optional) salt as per taste few chopped coriander leaves for garnishing Marination: 1 lime juice 2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste

Instructions Marinate the keema (mince) with lime juice and ginger-garlic paste. Mix well and marinate for an hour Or overnight in the fridge. Grind the keema (mince) with chopped onion, ginger, garlic, mint leaves and coriander leaves. Keep it aside. Take a pan add 1 tbsp ghee Or oil. Once oil is hot add whole spices like caraway seed, cumin seed and fennel seed. Once it crackles add the dry red chilies, cinnamon, mace, peppercorn, cloves, green cardamom and coriander seed. Saute for a minute then grind into a processor until smooth paste is formed. Separately grind melon seed, poppy seed, almonds and sesame seed until smooth paste is formed. Add little water if required. Add rest of ghee Or oil to another pan. Place on low heat once oil is heated add the grounded red chili paste. Saute for 2 to 3 mins Or until it starts leaving oil around the edges. It's time to add the grounded keema. Saute until the water evaporates. Now mix turmeric, cashewnuts, garam masala powder and chicken biryani masala powder. Mix all nicely. Add milk if using + boiling hot water. Allow keema to cook until gravy thickens. Lastly add salt for seasoning. Garnish with coriander leaves and sliced boiled eggs if using. Serve hot with pav Or roti.