Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Naan Khataai (Rich cardamom biscuits)

Naan Khataai (Rich Cardamom Biscuits)
Makes 50
Recipe by Ramola Parbhoo
250ml (1 cup) Softened Stork Bake
250ml (1 cup) sugar
250ml chana flour
750ml cake flour
5ml baking powder
15ml crushed cardamom seeds
50g slivered almonds
Edible silver balls
1. Cream together Stork Bake and sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Sift together chana flour, cake flour, baking powder and crushed cardamom.
3. Add dry ingredients to creamed Stork and sugar then mix and knead to form pliable dough.
4. Preheat oven to 180C.
5. Shape dough into small balls, and then flatten balls into disks (about 2 cm diameters) and place onto a greased oven tray.
6. Decorate cookies with either almonds or silver balls.
7. Bake cookies for 10 -- 12 minutes until lightly browned.

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