Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saleeg - Saudi Rice Dish

To view the written recipe, click here:
I am in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia! My friend Eman is treating us for an amazing Saudi dish: Saleeg! Roasted chicken over porridge-like rice mixture... one word: DELICIOUS!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spiced Hot Chocolate (the best ever!)

2 cups (500 ml) cold milk
4.5 oz (127 grams) of dark chocolate (at least 52% cocoa content)
1 tablespoon white granulated sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Spices: 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder, a pinch of red chili pepper, a pinch of ground cloves

To view the written recipe, click this link:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Samosa - Indian Appetizer Recipe

Prinyrf Recipe:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cardamom falls 0.6% on comfortable stocks

Prices fell as speculators reduced their positions

Cardamom futures for April declined by Rs 5.30, or 0.59%, to Rs 885 per kg in 1,596 lots.
At the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), the May contract traded lower by Rs 4, or 0.43%, to Rs 910.90 per kg in 221 lots.

Prices fell as speculators reduced their positions amid adequate stocks position in the physical market on account of higher supplies from producing belts.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Helado de Cardamomo, Canela y Caramelo

Un helado escandalosamente rico y tan sencillo de hacer que no os lo vais a poder creer. Para hacer en máquina de helados o con la técnica del helado instantáneo. Y totalmente apto para la dieta, desde el primer día. ¡Genial!

Hacía un helado muy parecido el verano pasado, con cardamomo en polvo y azafrán del bueno en hebra (me regalaron una cajita monísima con azafrán, cómo me conocen...) Estaba muy bueno. Hoy quise grabar cómo se hacía este helado, pero no tenía azafrán. Se me ocurrió probar con canela y caramelos. Menuda idea tan afortunada, está tan pero tan bueno que hasta yo me quedé sorprendida, jajjajja.

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Si no tenéis queso crema/queso de untar 0% (libre de grasa) podéis sustituirlo por la misma cantidad de queso fresco batido 0%, quark 0% o por yogures desnatados de sabor natural. Para que el helado quede tan cremoso como el hecho con queso crema, podéis quitarle el suero al queso batido o a los yogures, de una forma muy sencilla. Aquí tenéis cómo

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cardamom - The Fine Alternative

Today, SWISSAID published a great article on the impact that cardamom farming is having in Colombia, they mention us, Merit Trade LLC, as their partners in the selling of the product here in the U.S. we would like to thank SWISSAID for all their amazing help, they have been instrumental in this effort to make of Colombian Cardamom a viable source of income for our farmers and our families.

Here's an excerpt from the article.

"By 2014, the processing plant must also be ready for 180 land labourers, who will find temporary work here. With the support of SWISSAID, the farmers’ association has negotiated a supply contract with American company, Merit Trade, an enterprise which already exports cardamom from a neighbouring region. The company contributes half of the building costs for the processing plant, while the farmers and SWISSAID fund the rest. The objective of the farmers’ association is to retain most of the added value on site. In the medium-term, the farmers plan to be self-financing thanks to processing the spice."

Read the entire article here.

Spiced Poached Bananas

These spiced poached bananas infused butter, dark rum, raisins, mace, cardamom pods, sugar and salt are simply delicious - - and pair well with our Banana Cream Pie Recipe.

For more recipes and the full step-by-step instruction, visit

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bizcocho de Naranja Y Cardamomo

Receta completa en:
Todos los vídeos, recetas, fotos y más en:
Receta fácil de bizcocho casero de naranja y cardamomo, ideal para desayunar o acompañar un buen café.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Cardamom marginally up on pick-up in demand

Prices went up as peculators enlarged their positions
Press Trust of India  |  New Delhi  March 15, 2013 Last Updated at 15:17 IST

Cardamom futures for March traded marginally higher by Re 1, or 0.11%, to Rs 931.80 per kg i 76 lots.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), the April contract edged up by 90 paise, or 0.10% to Rs 915 per kg in 842 lots.

Prices went up as peculators enlarged their positions, driven by pick-up in spot market demand.

Tight supplies positions following less arrivals from producing belts further supported the uptrend.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Salmon paupiette with Asparagus and Beurre blanc

English Subtitles via Youtube


Fraîcheur d'asperges aux herbes avec une fine escalope de saumon en paupiette. C'est LE plat de printemps !

Escalope(s) de saumon : 6 pièce(s)
Asperge(s) vertes(s) : 30 pièce(s)
Pousse(s) de soja : 300 gramme(s)
Baie(s) rose(s) : 5 gramme(s)
Graine(s) de fenouil : 3 gramme(s)
Capsule(s) de cardamome verte : 3 pièce(s)
Etoile(s) de badiane : 1 pièce(s)
Eau : 20 centilitre(s)
Moulin à poivre : 6 Tour(s)
Huile d'olive : 5 centilitre(s)
Fleur de sel : 6 Pincée(s)

Pour la sauce :
Estragon : 1/2 botte(s)
Echalote(s) : 1 pièce(s)
Beurre doux : 125 gramme(s)
Vin blanc sec : 10 centilitre(s)
Vinaigre balsamique blanc : 10 centilitre(s)
Sel fin : 6 Pincée(s)
Moulin à poivre : 6 Tour(s)

Recette : Paupiette de saumon aux asperges, sauce beurre blanc

Tailler les escalopes de saumon frais. Retirer les petites feuilles des asperges et les éplucher en ne conservant que la pointe et le vert de l'asperge. Émincer les têtes d'asperges en fines lamelles et le reste en biseaux de 3 à 4 mm. Éplucher et ciseler l'échalote.
Assaisonner les escalopes de saumon de fleur de sel et de poivre, parsemer quelques baies roses et quelques feuilles d'estragon. Former les paupiettes en roulant les escalopes, puis les piquer à l'aide de cure-dents.

Faire chauffer de l'eau dans une casserole, ajouter la badiane, les graines de cardamome et de fenouil et les baies roses. Dans un wok, verser un filet d'huile d'olive et faire revenir les pousses de soja et les asperges avec 1 pincée de sel fin. Filtrer l'eau infusée aux épices et les verser sur les légumes. Porter la préparation à ébullition, puis placer une grille au-dessus et déposer les paupiettes de saumon sur la grille. Laisser cuire à couvert pendant 3 à 4 min.

Préparer le beurre blanc :
Couper le beurre en petits morceaux et le laisser au frais. Éplucher et ciseler finement les échalotes. Hacher l'estragon.
Dans une casserole, mélanger les échalotes, le vin blanc, le vinaigre balsamique blanc, le sel, le poivre et l'estragon. Mettre la casserole sur le feu et laisser réduire le tout lentement jusqu'à ce qu'il reste environ 2 cl de réduction
Sur le feu très doux, ajouter les morceaux de beurre bien froid et fouetter énergiquement. Assaisonner à votre convenance.

Dressage :
Dresser les légumes dans des assiettes creuses, ajouter une paupiette de saumon sur le dessus et napper de beurre blanc. Décorer de quelques pluches d'estragon.

Le plus du chef pour réussir votre Paupiette de saumon aux asperges, sauce beurre blanc

Cette recette est aussi délicieuse (et plus légère) accompagnée d'une vinaigrette à l'huile d'olive, vinaigre balsamique blanc et herbes hachées.

Retrouvez cette recette en vidéo en cliquant sur que toutes les vidéos des Chefs de L'atelier des Chefs sur

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Saltimbocca a la Romana with honey coated cherry tomatoes

Veal escalop(s) : 6 whole
Pancetta slice(s) : 18 whole
Sage : 12 leaf
Olive oil : 3 clCherry tomato(es) : 300g
Honey : 100 g

Thyme sprig(s) : 3 whole
Rosemary sprig(s) : 1 whole
Oregano : 2 sprig
2 Cardamom Pods

Want to see this technique in English ? Click here

Friday, March 8, 2013

Cardamom falls 3% on low demand

Adequate stocks in the spot market affected the trade

Cardamom futures for March declined Rs 26.90, or 3.00%, to Rs 869.40 per kg in 1,840 lots.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), the April contract traded lower by Rs 26.70, or 2.85%, to Rs 908 per kg, in 2,190 lots. Adequate stocks in the spot market on higher supplies from producing belts affected the trade.

Market analysts said off-loading of positions by traders amid weak spot market trend on subdued demand mainly led to a fall in cardamom futures prices.

Besides, adequate stocks position in the spot market also influenced trading in cardamom prices, they said.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani

Authentic Indian Chicken Biryani, a speciality of Hyderabad by renowned Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi

Chilli Chicken
Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani
Indian Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani)
Mothers Chicken Curry
Instant Bread Snack
Vegetable Hakka Noodles
Pav Bhaji
Chilli Chicken Dry
Paneer Makhani
Shezwan Chilli Potatoes

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bombay Beef Biryani

Making a biryani from scratch is a long process with many steps, but with this recipe you can get 80% of the taste with 20% of the effort. Learn the REAL SECRET of a good biryani :-) Recipe at:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Xawaash (Somali Spice Mix)

A very aromatic spice mix. Try this recipe and you will never buy the ready made one. Visit for more details.